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Problem Statements
A guide for CI people to help them kick off on the right foot with a super effective problem statement.
Designing a Pitch
A blueprint that will help you design and delivery a perfect pitch for your services.
Planning Your Week
A planner that will help you organise your week so you are at your productivity best.
Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs
No matter what you think of his products or the guy himself, Steve Jobs was a master presenter we can learn from. There are 11 specific [let's call them] secrets we can take away from how he interacted with the world on stage. Here's your opportunity to learn them.
Writing Problem Statements
What’s the problem you’re actually working on? It might surprise you to hear that most people I interact with at the beginning of improvement work to solve a problem... aren’t able to answer this with absolute clarity. Here's a guide for how to do that well and kick your work off with absolute clarity.
Getting Through Others' Mental Filters
We all want to influence the behaviour of others; both at home and at work … and part of that is pitching your ideas so that you get buy in from the people you pitch them to. Here’s a peek into the psychology that underpins the how you get through the filters we all use to block or allow information to enter our brains.
Your Psyche Unconsciously Affects Everything

My most important learning of the past 40 or so years is - How we approach one thing is how we approach everything! I mean the unconscious thinking patterns we take from one situation to another. Every single one of these thought patterns are repeated everywhere, unless we consciously think about them.

Superbikes and Success in Business
As a business mentor who spends one week each month coaching on track with the California Superbike School, I’ve realised that many superbike riding skills and thinking patterns relate strongly to high performance in business and one’s career development.
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