How To Take Control of Your Brain
The Practical Science of Controlling Your Internal Communications
Imagine for a moment you could control your thoughts..
How would that change your response to events in your life?
How would that impact the quality of your life?
It is possible you know!
In this book..

Author, George Lee Sye discusses the psychology of mental focus and presents simple, proven, practical methods for controlling your conscious thinking patterns.

When you control your conscious patterns of thinking, you take control of your responses to the events and circumstances of your life. This in turn positively affects the quality of your life.

"When I wrote this book I realised it was probably the simplest, yet most important piece I would ever write for my children. I want my kids to have an incredible life and the ability to control one's brain in times of stress and amidst the constant challenges of life today, is certainly one of the keys to longevity and enjoyment.  What I've written here has been deeply ingrained into my own psyche and serves me well. I can only hope that others / you will get the benefit of what I've learned about brain control."
George Lee Sye
This book has been downloaded by more than 200,000 readers.
How To Take Control of Your Brain
by George Lee Sye
Self mastery precedes mastery of others; that has been author's mantra for his entire working life.
And this book provides the foundation for better leadership of others through greater mastery of yourself.
This is a vital skill to possess during tough times and when dealing with the traumatic events of life.
Where To Buy The Latest Edition
This is a must read for..
  • Coaches and Mentors
  • Parents
  • Supervisors and Managers
  • Business Leaders
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Teachers and Influencers
© 2019-2025 by George Lee Sye (Soarent Publishing ABN: 89699416331) - All Rights Reserved; no part of this publication and the publications provided in this product may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise [except as required for the use of the purchaser of this product to complete the training course for which this is an accompaniment] without either the prior written permission of the copyright owner or a license permitting restricted copying issued by the copyright owner. This publication and the publications provided in this product may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, without the prior consent of the copyright owner.

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