Selecting Great Improvement Project
A Detailed Guide for Identifying and Selecting Projects for Business Improvement
How to identify and select business improvement and Lean Six Sigma projects that deliver real and quantifiable value.
While project selection is only one of the elements in succeeding with with business improvement, it's a vitally important element.

And it is actually the role of line managers to do this as part of their work in delivering business plans and continually improving their business.
This book presents a range of practical ways to go about identifying where to improve in your business or work area.

Each of the chapters describes in detail a method of project identification that suits various contexts and work situations.

It covers all aspects of the topic of project selection - the thinking that gets in the way of improvement, various methods of identification, how to screen projects and make a selection, and thoughts about selling and managing projects.

Selecting Great Improvement Projects

This is a 113-page guide to the most practical ways of identifying and selecting improvement projects that add real value.

It is a book relevant to the work of every line manager and business improvement professional today.

What's In The Book?
Contents include:
  • Shifting focus from solution thinking to waste thinking
  • Why there is no single best way to approach project selection
  • Basic 6-step process of identifying project
  • Waste reduction approach
  • Value stream method
  • Business driver method
  • Constraint analysis approach
  • Customer related performance approach
  • Top down versus bottom up
  • Screening and selecting projects
  • Selling and managing projects
Some Downloads & Resources So You Can Sample The Book
Why is this book so relevant?

Firstly, it was written by a real world practitioner.
The author wrote this on the back of more than two decades of experience in identifying value adding project work across multiple industries.

Secondly, it is simple and practical.
Each of the approaches here are practical and relevant to all organisations intent on continually improving and connecting this work to the execution of business plans. They are not theoretical concepts.

Thirdly, there is no one best approach.
With a deep understanding that contexts and situations differ widely, the author has assembled a range of approaches that will suit most situations you find yourself in.

© 2019-2025 by George Lee Sye (Soarent Publishing ABN: 89699416331) - All Rights Reserved; no part of this publication and the publications provided in this product may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise [except as required for the use of the purchaser of this product to complete the training course for which this is an accompaniment] without either the prior written permission of the copyright owner or a license permitting restricted copying issued by the copyright owner. This publication and the publications provided in this product may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, without the prior consent of the copyright owner.

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