Process Mastery with Lean Six Sigma 2nd Ed.
The Most Talked About Lean Six Sigma Body of Knowledge in The World Today
Discover the simplicity of Lean Six Sigma application in the most complete practitioners’ guide in the world today.
Most text books fall way short in that they fail to deliver in the practical application of the Lean and Six Sigma methods. They have a singular focus on teaching tools which on its own is insufficient for a reader to use those tools for what they were meant for – to generate value.
Where Process Mastery with Lean Six Sigma 2nd Edition comes to the fore is that it is a complete Lean Six Sigma body of knowledge written by a practitioner … for practitioners!
NEW - Now available in South Africa directly from our in-country distributor - visit the SiMINE Web Site here for details.

It is profound in its simplicity and provides easy, chronological access to the tools.

Each of the DMAIC chapters is concluded with a comprehensive tool users guide and checklists and tollgate questions.

You are not expected to read it, rather it was written for you to reference it and take away something new every time you open it.


826-page integration of Team Leadership, Lean and Six Sigma in a practical framework for improvement leadership.

It's a must have body of knowledge for any Master Black Belt, Black Belt or Green Belt.

What's In The Book?

The first edition took 2 years to write and sold out after it was first published in 2004.

This second edition of Process Mastery with Lean Six Sigma took 1,286 hours to create. This 2023 update to the 2nd Ed. is now an 826 page body of knowledge covering all aspects of lean and six sigma.

Contents of this 2nd Edition of Process Mastery include:
  • Advanced tools of team leadership psychology in an improvement project context
  • Simplification of the principles of Lean Thinking and Six Sigma
  • The integration of Lean Thinking and Six Sigma into the DMAIC framework
  • Advanced statistics ‘how to’ with the latest versions of Minitab and SigmaXL software
  • An extensive matrix at the front of the book for referencing all of the Lean Six Sigma tools
  • Comprehensive toolkits with instructions after each DMAIC chapter
  • Tollgate questions for every phase
  • Project checklists for each of the DMAIC phases
  • Accelerated improvement projects
How does Process Mastery differ from others?

First of all Process Mastery was written by a real world practitioner.
Highly competent in both the technical aspects of the methodology and the psychology of change and human behavour, the author has carefully blended both ends of the change spectrum into a reference for improvement leaders.

It is profound in its simplicity and provides easy, chronological access to the tools.
Each of the DMAIC chapters is concluded with a comprehensive tool users guide and checklists and tollgate questions.

It is a widely used body of knowledge.
Not only do consultants us this as a primary teaching reference, Green Belts, Black Belts and Master Black Belts from the following companies use this text extensively in their day-to-day application of the methodology:

Anglo Coal
Bank of New Zealand
BIS Industrials
BOC Gases

Christchurch City Council
Gold Fields Australasia
South Deep (RSA)
New Zealand Post
Peabody Energy

Rio Tinto
Virgin Airlines
Woodside Energy
Xstrata Coal

© 2019-2025 by George Lee Sye (Soarent Publishing ABN: 89699416331) - All Rights Reserved; no part of this publication and the publications provided in this product may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise [except as required for the use of the purchaser of this product to complete the training course for which this is an accompaniment] without either the prior written permission of the copyright owner or a license permitting restricted copying issued by the copyright owner. This publication and the publications provided in this product may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, without the prior consent of the copyright owner.

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