Certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Level 5 Business Improvement
Recipients of the 9 Skills Factory Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Qualification have participated in, and completed an extensive journey of development in both technical business improvement skills as well as organisational change leadership capability.
They have shown they have the knowledge, capability and tools to close performance gaps in business processes, work with teams and extract the best from their collective experience, ethically influence people regardless of their position, and lead rapid and sustainable organisational change.
A 9 Skills Factory certified Master Black Belt is a change agent extraordinaire who can generate enormous value for any organisation.
Level of Professional Development
Time Commitment
Continued Professional Development (CPD) Scoring
184 CPD Points (Allocated @ 1 per lesson, 3 per quiz)
Attainment Criteria
TRAINING - Complete three streams of professional development that sequentially layers in and embeds a range of skills, processes and thinking patterns necessary for successful business execution and the leading of sustainable organisational and individual change.
APPLICATION - Apply the learnings from every module to a variety of guided scenarios.
ASSESSMENT - Successfully pass exams for each course presented in the program. And then provide evidence of competency for each course through written and video based assignments.
PRE-REQUISITE - Candidates must be certified as a lean six sigma black belt to a standard consistent with the 9 Skills Factory LSSBB qualification as a minimum.
Competencies Demonstrated
Candidates holding this qualification, have successfully demonstrated the following core competencies:
  • Develop individual productivity plans
  • Implement routines that drive productivity rather than busyness
  • Effectively execute personal plans and consistently get results
  • Overcome barriers to creative thinking
  • Elicit creative change ideas from teams
  • Develop an internal sales pitch that is psychologically sound from an influence perspective
  • Articulate an idea for change to key stakeholders / influencers in a manner that maximises the likelihood of buy-in
  • Guide any audience on the same mental journey as a problem solver who develops solutions
  • Create stickiness in a presentation through stimulating multiple modalities
  • Present data effectively as an influencer of thinking and perception
  • Design presentation slide packs that are correctly aligned to the psychology of human focus and attention
  • Effectively guide an audience to intended focal points and key messages with slides
  • Integrate a slide based visual presentation into a sound presentation strategy
  • Elicit the thinking patterns and preferences of people in order to maximise personal connection and influence
  • Persuade others to respond positively to legitimate requests
  • Rapidly influence permanent behaviour changes in others through effective reinforcement
  • Effectively plan and lead the rollout of significant organisational change using an 8 step model of change mastery
  • Lock in organisational change so it is sustained over time
  • Quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of change and develop strategies to improve
Training Information
For more details about the training that the qualification holder has undertaken, view the links below.
Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Certification
© 2019-2025 by George Lee Sye (Soarent Publishing ABN: 89699416331) - All Rights Reserved; no part of this publication and the publications provided in this product may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise [except as required for the use of the purchaser of this product to complete the training course for which this is an accompaniment] without either the prior written permission of the copyright owner or a license permitting restricted copying issued by the copyright owner. This publication and the publications provided in this product may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, without the prior consent of the copyright owner.

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