Your Ability To Stand Out From The Crowd When Seeking Higher Level Leadership Positions and Promotion Is Based On ... 
Your Capacity To Influence, Persuade, and Lead Positive and Sustainable change
Developing Extraordinary Leaders and Globally Relevant Master Black Belts
Master of Global Leadership (MGL)
LSS Master Black Belt (MBB)
The philosophy behind this ..
From: George Lee Sye
Location: Queensland, Australia
Subject: This Approach Is Based on a Unique Philosophy

There are many leadership, business planning and improvement programs offered around the world, as well as a few Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt programs of note.

My research over the past 2-decades has shown that the main focus of those programs is on the technical aspects of the leadership and management roles.

Our approach to Leadership and Management capability development is driven by what we believe the role of of a Business Leader and Manager actually is.

It is also largely affected by what we believe a person undertaking those roles needs to be capable of doing, demonstrating and achieving as an end result.
Effective Business Leaders Are ..
  • Highly competent in executing a business plan and achieving an organisation's performance potential through innovative and effective operating strategies
  • Highly competent leaders of continual improvement who are capable of effectively focusing people on achievement of rapid, sustainable, measurable and reportable improvement results
  • Highly competent mentors to the organisation's leaders of the future
  • Highly influential agents of positive change who can apply those skills in any business and any context
While execution of a business plan and the application of improvement methodology is traditionally technical, the role of any leader now requires considerable skill in leading and influencing progressive change and generating buy-in to progressive and innovative ideas and initiatives.

This education program differs in its focus on developing globally relevant leaders.
I don't want to make you a better technical operator!
My goal is to add to your technical capability with skills that see you become a globally relevant and highly sought after influencer and agent of change.
Content Overview
Through the 9 Skills Factory platform, the school delivers three streams of professional development that sequentially layer in and embed the most effective skills, processes and thinking patterns necessary for successful business execution and the leading of sustainable organisational and individual change.
Stream 1 - Focus on Business Execution and Productivity
Leading progressive change is one part of the equation; productivity cannot be ignored as it is the key to getting things done and delivering on business plans and business objectives.
Element 1.1 - The Productivity Equation (TPE)
A focus on the individual / personal aspects of business execution and productivity psychology
Element 1.2 - Business Execution Skills (BES)
A focus on the organisational aspects of business execution and how you turn plans into results
Stream 2 - Focus on Influential Leadership and Organisational Change
The core skills for effectively leading change are associated with identifying ideas for progressive change, pitching those ideas to get buy-in and/or approval, and executing the change so it is sustained.
Element 2.1 - Creative Thinking and Innovation (CTI)
A focus on creative thinking concepts, group leadership and idea generation (to be applied in conjunction with the tools and skills of group facilitation)
Element 2.2 - Delivering the Perfect Pitch (DPP)
A focus on effectively presenting and pitching ideas for maximum buy-in
Element 2.3 - The Influential Art of Storytelling with Data Presentation (STWD)
Continuing the focus on selling and pitching ideas, this time with data
Element 2.4 - The Influencer's Guide to Powerpoint (IGPP)
Supporting influential presentations with slide packs that possess specific characteristics
Element 2.5 - Influence and Persuasion Skills (IPS)
Influence and persuasion foundations - a detailed focus on individual and group influence
Element 2.6 - The 8 Step Organisational Change Roadmap (8SOCR)
The 8-step change mastery model - a hands on focus on leading formal change in an organisation
Stream 3 BONUS - Focus on Public Speaking and Influence From a Stage
The most effective approach ever made available to the corporate world for consolidating everything candidates have learnt so far in the program, and then layering on top of that mastery of the art and science of message articulation from a stage in front of any audience.
Element 3.1 - Advanced Presenting and Group Influence Skills (APGI)
A unique training course for the high potentials that focuses on advanced skills for presenting, public speaking, articulating ideas and getting buy in, and teaching for motivated learning
This approach to leadership (including MBB) education teaches that which few can - the science and art of influence, persuasion, and result driven achievement and change leadership.
And it does not ignore the need for us all to develop a better understanding of how to lead oneself to higher levels of performance and prosperity.
Certification Program Options
There are no pre-requisites for high potential staff to undertake this training.
Completion of the elements in Streams 1 to 3 of this professional development program are required for the issue of the Master of Global Leadership (MGL) Qualification.
The MBB qualification is the final level of professional development for business improvement professionals and incorporates a more extensive range of development than the Global Leadership Skills program.
In order to complete this as a Master Black Belt and receive MBB certification, the following requirements must be met:
(a) Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Qualified (covers most of the technical skills)
(b) Level 1 Business Improvement Coach Qualified (coaching skills element)
(c) Completion of Streams 1 to 3 inclusive (refer to Master of Global Leadership)
(d) Completion of one external element of Advanced Lean and/or Six Sigma Training
This is one of the most innovative and relevant approaches to leader development for the business world today. ..
This unique training framework is comprised of:
  • An innovative combination of technical education (business execution) and pure influential and persuasive leadership coaching delivered by one of the world's foremost trainers on the topic.
  • The latest and most effective methods for creating learning and content competence.
  • A unique and highly relevant framework for Master Black Belt development for those within a BI context.
  • A combination of self-paced training, hands on application, and immersion style skills development.
Leadership is leadership - there is no need to have one leadership program for Business Leaders and another program for practitioners of business improvement.
Your access to the PROGRAM is protected by a 14 day 100% money back guarantee.

+ If you are not happy for any reason
+ If you simply don’t feel this is for you

You get 100% of your money back NO QUESTIONS ASKED
Frequently Asked Questions

No it doesn't. The registration from this page covers all of the training delivered by George and the 9SF team with the exception of:
(a) The Advanced Presentation and Group Influence Bootcamp which is delivered in conference format, and
(b) Any external training requirement to attain the MBB qualification.
Part 1 encompasses all of the training that you complete through direct access to content on this 9 Skills Factory training platform.
Part 2 was separated from Part 1 to allow for the delivery of the Advanced Presentation and Group Influence Boot Camp in conference format over 5.5 days. One of the greatest impacts from the COVID19 pandemic was the constant closing of borders and facilities so we were forced to adapt to the ongoing changes and develop multiple options for delivery of that final element.
PIt's important to recognise that all of the elements of training in the program are stand alone courses that can be attended or completed by anyone.

Any candidate can complete Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the program and earn a qualification in Global Leadership skills.
In order to attain the MBB qualification, the candidate must be a qualified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt.
Anyone can undertake the training without any pre-requisites and work towards a qualification in Global Leadership skills.

However, in order to undertake the MBB program and earn the qualification of Master Black Belt, candidates must be (a) qualified as a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt at a level acceptable to George Lee Sye, and (b) be certified as a Level 1 Business Improvement Coach.
We know the course is quite extensive. And so it should be, it is the highest level of qualification you can achieve in business improvement and needs to reflect a high level of competency.

That said, the longest part of the full program has already been done if you are qualified as a LSSBB.
This MBB phase of development can then be completed in as short a time period as 6 months which also includes the processing work of George to confirm competency for the various elements.
Although we prefer it is completed within a 12-month cycle, we would always consider a case for deferring the program on its own merits.
When we run through our green belt pro and black belt pro coaching programs, participants lodge micro and macro assignments according to a predetermined schedule over 26 week periods.

In the MGL and MBB programs, candidates lodge one assignment per element; ideally upon completion of each of the elements.
Each assignment is then reviewed and feedback provided in a timely manner for that particular element.
Ideally you will lodge assignments as soon as they are completed. We'd prefer you did not hold them all until the end of the program.
George reviews all assignments lodged by candidates and will provide tailored feedback at that time.
He will discuss what should be continued as it is clearly good practice, and what you might do to ramp up the quality to a higher level.
Where a gap is identified and requires review of the assignment work, personal guidance will be provided by George on how to go about that and he will work with you until it is complete.
These programs are not intended to make you a better technical person, or better black belt if you are in BI.
That's something anyone can do by simply adding in more technical content.
The purpose of these MGL and MBB programs is to enhance leadership skills for one objective - to make you the most effective agent of change that we can.
This is what industry really seeks and this is what will position you different from and above others for leadership positions you seek in the future.
You will need access to the following.
1. The internet,
2. A computer with at least the MS Office suite of applications (Mac users need access to Apple's equivalent office applications),
3. A way of recording on video (I.e. phone, GoPro camera, DSLR etc), and
4. A means for sharing large files such as .mp4 videos with the assignment assessor.
We will provide guidance on video editing and file size reduction if requested.
No, we do not support transfers.
For corporate access via purchase order payments, please email us directly at [email protected] and request a formal quotation.
© 2019-2025 by George Lee Sye (Soarent Publishing ABN: 89699416331) - All Rights Reserved | PO Box 267, Ravenshoe, Qld. Australia 4888| Contact Us: [email protected]

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