Coaching Positions Are Currently OPEN
Introducing Blue Circle Coaching Network with George Lee Sye
A Professionals' Approach For Achieving
Your Leadership and Career Potential
Who this coaching is for..
(a) High potential individuals seeking to reach their leadership potential, usually in large companies or government organisations, and

(b) high level business improvement professionals seeking to be true agents of change and higher level qualifications.

Even if your career is pretty good now, George can help you make it even better.
What this coaching is about..
This coaching is for helping you to fulfil your role as a leader and agent of change, and work towards your career potential as effectively as is possible.

The upside is your company profits as a beneficiary of your work.
An important truth..
Technical job based skills will get you so far; an extraordinary career that capitalises on your potential will only come from developing the skills that surround the technical aspects of your job.
George will help you develop skills that include the ability to..
  • Deal with Challenging Employees and Effectively Use Feedback for Behaviour Change
  • Effectively Manage Your Focus and Organise Time
  • Do The Uncomfortable Things You Resist Doing
  • Build Career Beneficial Relationships
  • Move Seamlessly Between Tactical and Strategic Thinking
  • Speak publicly and present persuasively from a stage
  • Adopt flexible leadership styles according to situations
  • Guide the thinking of others through skilful questioning
  • Coach, teach and mentor .. upwards and downwards
  • Think creatively
  • Sell ideas beyond your circle of influence
  • Lead sustainable change even when others don't want to change
  • Guide the focus of your employees
  • Get results without collapsing under the weight of stress
  • Deliver on plans
  • Influence the thinking of individuals and groups
  • Analyse problems effectively in any situation
  • Plan contingencies
  • Stay healthy and enjoy the benefits of vitality
  • Have a life and be genuinely happy
Sheena Livesey
"I had the pleasure of training with George back in 2000 with BHP and I then jumped at the chance to work for him in 2012. I have had the privilege to see first hand the way George has been able to elevate the careers of so many. His passion and dedication to his craft is unsurpassed."
Blue Circle Coaching Is Only Available By Application
Before applying, here's what you need to know.
  • We stick to our values and do not work with 'quick money making' types of business
  • You must want to be coached
  • You should be in employment now, if you are unemployed or one step away from being unemployed, we wont be a great fit
  • You consider yourself to be a high potential / high performance person
  • You have a Skype account and a Microsoft Teams account
  • Only you get access to the private coaching (not your team)
  • We check for any potential conflict of interest such as you being in a direct competing business
  • No more than 20 participants will be in the program
  • You will get access to both group coaching and custom 1:1 mentoring
  • You can access Blue Circle resources and the forum from any normal web browser
  • There is an initial conversation with George as part of your application
Gain instant access to all these features and resources, and take the guesswork out of reaching your potential.
Access to membership of the Blue Circle Coaching Network is capped at a limited number of new members to keep the quality of coaching  and support at it highest level.
Once you become a member, you get Instant access to the content, training, community and private coaching to help you reach your career potential.
The Blue Circle Membership period is a minimum of 6 months.
Private Coach Access via Email (Q&A)
Private 1 on 1 Coaching - 1 Hour Per Fortnight
9 Skills Factory Training Academy Membership
Access to Pre-Recorded Web Classes
Instant Access to New Trainings (Monthly Releases)
Influence Skills Training Content
Productivity Skills Training Content
Public Speaking Training Content
Change Leadership Training Content
Coaching Period
Coaching Fees
Unlimited 24 Hour Access
Unlimited 24 Hour Access
Unlimited 24 Hour Access
6 Months Minimum
$950 /month (ex. GST)
The 3 Levers We Want to Give Attention To
We want to zero in on the key "success levers" that can move your performance needle.

Each lever has multiple areas where you can create a breakthrough. When we pull on them correctly you ramp up your leadership effectiveness and get results without being overwhelmed with work and stress.
  • YOU INDIVIDUALLY - A focus on personal productivity, decision making and risk management, contingency planning and emergency management, day-2-day operations and role execution
  • YOUR CIRCLE OF AUTHORITY - Getting the most out of teams by guiding their focus, optimising self-driven group productivity, and systemising high performance
  • YOUR CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE - Expanding your circle of influence through effective and influential communications, and leading sustainable behaviour change without the need for formal authority
Short Explanatory Video
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