The Academy Plus App
.. For all 9 Skills Factory Account Holders
One App - Access Your Personal Dashboard
You can now access all of your courses and resources on the 9SF platform on the go using your IOS and Android Devices.
The Academy Plus App connects directly to your personal 9 Skills Factory Account.
Log-In Instructions
Open the Academy Plus App.
Click ADD NEW to add your account.
Use the same log in details as your 9 Skills Factory account.
Insert 9SF as the site domain and click ADD.
Access to All Courses
All courses allocated to your account are visible and accessible.
One Click Course Open
Click on the course icon, and it immediately opens to the course dashboard.
Lesson Drop Down List
All lessons are available via the top left drop down listing.
Simply click to open.
Additional Features
Click on the MORE option to open other features such as your Profile, Messages, your Achievements and Downloads.
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