George Lee Sye and the 9 Skills Factory Presents ..


Learn The Presentation Secrets of the Most Influential People on the Planet


Present Your Ideas From a Stage and Have Widespread Influence Over Any Audience


.. this is the single most important training module in our global leaderships skills qualifications including the MBB program.

Never before has the ability to EFFECTIVELY SELL your ideas to individuals and groups ..
.. been so important!
Like it or not, you are FORCED TO COMPETE for the attention of leaders, managers and customers alike in a time constrained and enormously competitive environment.

We all seek access to LIMITED RESOURCES, yet they will only be allocated where the need or value is perceived to be greatest.

So we all must rapidly tap into the INTERNAL DRIVERS that propel people towards certain behaviours ... it's that or miss out.

Leaders aspire to PRODUCE RESULTS and a level of PROSPERITY that the likes of Steve Jobs of Apple was able to produce, yet the reality is that few experience those outcomes.
What is it that you can learn that will help you overcome these challenges?
What You Learn in this Advanced Presentation and Group Influence Course ..
This is a highly practical multi day IMMERSION COURSE, delivered personally by George Lee Sye.
You will immerse yourself in the most important leadership knowledge, skills and behaviours you will ever learn::
  • Advanced methods of PERSUASION as a leader of change
  • Multiple layers of NEUROLOGY – how it prevents or enhances optimum performance and how to optimise all layers as a coach and leader
  • The utilisation of metaphors, language, commands, stories and images TO ELICIT EMOTIONS and shift thinking
  • The application of CONVERSATIONAL HYPNOSIS and questioning techniques as a change leader and educator
  • Applying influence and persuasion techniques in PRESENTATION AND TEACHING processes
  • Strategies and skills for massively increasing your success in SELLING IDEAS and generating BUY-IN
  • Using multiple forms of ANCHORS to alter patterns of behaviour and present with persuasion
  • Neural Formation and how it relates to learning and behaviour at the UNCONSCIOUS LEVEL
** Note: This course integrates the psychology of achievement with the latest innovations in Neural Formation and Neural Pattern Replacement™

How will this course impact you?

Whether it's selling, pitching or teaching, it's all communication. After this event you will ...
  • Utilise compelling and attractive language to create change and learning at the unconscious level
  • Elegantly deal with objections in a selling or teaching situation
  • Make presentations with tremendous influence and persuasion
  • Utilise everything you have learned to date with George and at the 9 Skills Factory Academy to massively accelerate learning and significantly alter behaviour
Candidates undertaking the LSS Master Black Belt Qualification Program who have completed all assignment work and met the requirements of Part 1, will graduate at this event.
Candidates undertaking the Global Leadership Skills Qualification Program who have completed all assignment work and met the requirements of Part 1, will graduate at this event.
Advanced Presentation and Group Influence
© 2019-2025 by George Lee Sye (Soarent Publishing ABN: 89699416331) - All Rights Reserved; no part of this publication and the publications provided in this product may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise [except as required for the use of the purchaser of this product to complete the training course for which this is an accompaniment] without either the prior written permission of the copyright owner or a license permitting restricted copying issued by the copyright owner. This publication and the publications provided in this product may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, without the prior consent of the copyright owner.

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