Our Goal Is To Help You Reach Your Career Potential and Develop Globally Sought After Professional Capability ..
"We Do That By Eliminating Your Barriers To Accessing Every Training Course I Have Ever Developed and Uploaded Here"
What Would It Mean To You [And Your Career] If You Had Unlimited Access To Every Piece of Training We've Ever Produced?
Offering Total Access To Every Piece of Training On The 9 Skills Factory Platform
NOTE - This includes every training course uploaded in the future too!
> $8,000 Worth of Course Content
Get Access To Everything
What Does That Mean For You?
A Note From: George Lee Sye
Location: Queensland, Australia
Subject: What Does 9SF Academy Membership Mean For You?

You already know this ...

.. a dedication to self development and continued improvement is a highly valued human characteristic sought after by most companies today.

Some of you would seek recognition for that for the career benefits that come with it, now and / or in the future.

For others, like me, you simply love the challenge and the satisfaction that comes from learning new things.

Unfortunately many of you are caught up in a mindset of waiting for and only doing training and development provided by your company.
Entrepreneurs of the world recognise that in most cases this approach will only prevent you from falling behind the rest of the pack; it probably won't take you where you want to go with your career.

Access to this platform could well be YOUR career game changer.
Why?  Because it offers you access to world class education and professional development in four key areas:
  • #1 PRODUCTIVITY - Getting stuff done productively, and achieving results that move you consistently closer to the targets you set in your personal plans as well as business plans.
  • #2 IDEA GENERATION - Solving problems and coming up with ideas for positive change through engaging people or through analytical methods for studying cause and effect.
  • #3 IDEA PITCHING / SELLING - Taking those ideas for positive change and pitching them to senior decision makers, stakeholders, and operators in such a way you increase the probability of willing buy-in.
  • #4 IDEA EXECUTION - Planning change and implementing those ideas so that positive and sustainable improvements are experienced in the organisation.
If ANY of This Makes Sense To You ..
Then I Want To Invite You To Join Us As A 9 SKILLS FACTORY ACADEMY Member And Access All Of My Training ..
This Is How The 9SF Academy Works... ...
You pay a fee which can be as low as $35 per month to be a member - a lower cost annual membership fee is also an option.
In Exchange For That Investment ...
You get unlimited, 24-hour access to every piece of training content on this platform, including all future training content.

As an example of what you have access to:
  • George's entire online Lean Six Sigma Training Content
  • Facilitation and Creative Thinking Training
  • Influence and Persuasion Training
  • Presentation and Pitching Training
  • Organisational Change training
  • Coaching Skills Training
  • Productivity Training
That's the Equivalent of 35+ Days of Classroom Training

Plus you also get ..
Member Only Discounts for Coaching and Certification Bundles
Need More Information Before You Make Your Decision?
Truth Is, We Can't Help But Think This Is A No Brainer ..

But to Help With The Decision Making, Let's Break Down What You'll Get When You Become a Member Today!
Developed by George Lee Sye, all of this training is designed to help you successfully do the things that everyone is asked to do in business ... make improvements, get results, and deliver the business plan.

We will help you achieve that by focusing on 4 key areas:
George has written 17 books, trained 200,000+ students, recorded 1,000s of videos, built a YouTube Channel, written and delivered courses that make up over 35 days of training, runs a podcast ... and coaches motorcycle riders as a sideline activity.

If productivity is what you seek, it's hard to go past George's training, systems and tools that come with this membership.
You'll be able to access the entire program of training covering the topics of facilitation, innovation and creativity, throughput problem solving with lean, process variation problem solving with six sigma, failure mode and effect analysis etc.

As a member you have access to one of the most sought after bodies of knowledge in business improvement in the world today.
Content for members includes access to George's highly sought after training and capability development in methods and the practical psychology of presenting and pitching ideas.

The training covers topics such as influence, persuasion, presenting from a stage, storytelling and using data to influence thinking. It looks at how to pitch ideas upwards to senior people, to peers, and even to audiences you don't even have a relationship with.
Execution is where the rubber meets the road and you prove your worth by causing change to take place.

Topics include project management as well as a detailed methodology for leading rapid and sustainable organisational change using an 8 step roadmap and associated tools.

It's in the execution of ideas where you generate the results that populate your resume, and give you ammunition to sell the value you bring to the table.
(If You're Up To It ...)
Your Challenge Is This ..
.. open a course, any course, and start a new habit of self development based on daily 'micro training' activity.

Watch one video each day and make notes ... about the time it takes to make and drink a cup of coffee.

At the end of the month decide ... "Will YOU Continue With The Habit Of Self Development?"
You'll surprise yourself with what you learn by that approach!
Your entry to the academy is supported with a no questions asked cancel at any time arrangement:

+ If you are not happy for any reason, or
+ If you simply don’t feel this is for you ..

Cancel your membership and no further fees are charged - NO QUESTIONS ASKED
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes you will, it will automatically be placed as a 'new' offering on your member's training selection page. We will notify all members of new training as it goes live.
We plan to develop and upload new training content at 1 to 2 month intervals.
You'd probably realise that the pricing of membership is extremely low. Accordingly you will have access for as long as you remain a member. If you cancel your membership then your access will cease.
As a member, you can access all training content and courses. What you cannot access simply as a member is (a) professional coaching that requires us to engage with you as a coach, and (b) certification where we need to review and process documented evidence of competency. However additional pro-coaching and certification options are offered at discounted rates to you as a member of 9SF.

So if you are going on after doing the training and seeking certification as a lean six sigma green belt, black belt or master black belt, options will be available to you.

Your personal member dashboard will have buttons at the top above your registered courses.

You simply click on the 'CERTIFICATION AND COACHING OPTIONS' button and it will take you to a private page where you can locate and register for coaching or certification.
Your personal member dashboard will have buttons at the top above your registered courses.

You simply click on the 'FIND TRAINING COURSES' button and it will take you to a private page where you can locate and register for training.
Yes you can. By logging into your account you'll see you can cancel your membership at any time that suits you.

More information is provided at the bottom of this page in relation to our cancellation terms and conditions.
No, we can't do this. Membership systems work seamlessly when individual members set up their membership with a monthly fee paid automatically via credit card. Access is then provided automatically when the fee is paid and membership is current.

This system also provides a simple way  for a member to cancel their membership at any time.

Right now, with existing technology, PO based access would involve frequent manual work to set up and maintain an active membership. Given how low the price of membership is versus the cost of manually managing a membership, we cannot work with purchase order payments at this time.
  • My company, Soarent Vision P/L has been serving customers since incorporation in Australia in 2002
  • I have personally trained some 200,000 students in career enhancing content
  • My 826 page monster publication - Process Mastery with Lean Six Sigma 2nd Edition - is used by improvement practitioners around the world as their principal body of knowledge
  • My books (17 at last count) have been in circulation for close to 20 years, most are distributed globally via Amazon and Apple iBooks
  • Our customers include some of the largest companies in the world (see image below)
You can cancel your membership at any time.
When you cancel a membership on this platform, you will no longer have access to training courses you accessed as a member.
Inactive / cancelled member accounts and all records will be deleted from the platform after a period of no less than 60 days after cancellation.

This membership offer is only available for online purchase by credit card. Corporate group access to memberships via purchase order payments is not available.

For more information, please contact us via email [email protected]
© 2019-2025 by George Lee Sye (Soarent Publishing ABN: 89699416331) - All Rights Reserved | PO Box 267, Ravenshoe, Qld. Australia 4888| Contact Us: [email protected]

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